装丁のみの作品としては「クマにあったらどうするか: アイヌ民族最後の狩人」(ちくま文庫)「ゾウの鼻はなぜ長い: 知れば知るほど面白い 動物のふしぎ33」(ちくま文庫)「NNNからの使者 猫だけが知っている」(ハルキ文庫)がある。
Nanase UEKI
The artist and shop owner of Tabisurumishinten. An Illustrator and Book-designer.
She was born in Adachi-ku, Tokyo. She started to draw illustration in her childhood.
She started to sell hand-made bag with animal illustration on July 2003 in north Tokyo. And on 2006 she started to make book-covers with illustration. On December 2012 she opened Yanaka shop of Tabisurumishinten.
As a illustrator, she has worked in illustration for Tabisurumishinten like as the kitten Koneko and the bear Kumabo, 4 brother of cat “Liverpool”, the ironing dog “Sankt-Peterberg”, the grouse “Raichokun” and the crow “Karasukun”.
Please see her illustration here.
As a book-designer, she has worked in the book “Together with Crow”(2015 Tabisurumishinten), “School lunch time for Animals”(2017 Tabisurumishinten), “Supplementary Lesson of Crow”(2015 Raichosha) and “Textbook of Crow”(2012 Raichosha/2016 Kodansha).
And she has contributed in the book “What should you do when you meet bears?” (2014 Chikuma Publishing) , “Why elephant nose is long?”(2015 Chikuma Publishing) and “The messenger from NNN”(2017 Kadokawa Haruki Corpration)as the cover designer.
If you would like to contact her, Please send a mail to tabisurumishinte※gmail.com(Please change ※ into @).
She stay in shop in afternoon of every Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays of Japan.